Workplace Gender Equality

Hanes Australasia is proud of our gender diverse workforce. 

Led by our President Tanya Deans, our ~4,000 team members are employed by one of three Australian Hanes entities: Hanes Australia Pty Ltd, Bras N Things Pty Ltd and Sheridan Australia Pty Ltd. Across these three businesses 57% of Leadership Team roles and 85% of Manager roles were occupied by women at 31 March 2024. Throughout our business 89% of roles are occupied by women. In the year to 31 March 2024, 89% of all Manager promotions, and 95% of non-manager promotions were awarded to women.

Interpreting the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) calculation of our average base salary gender pay gap, it is important to note this is the difference in average base salaries, not salaries for like roles and this gap is reflective of both the composition of roles in our business and the categories of products that we sell.

As a largely retail business, two thirds of our team members are employed to work in our network of retail stores. 94% of these team members are women, reflective of the largely female customer base in our Bras N Things stores, and to a lesser extent, our Bonds stores. The pay and conditions of all our Australian retail team members is governed by the General Retail Industry Award and tend to have a lower average salary compared with other roles within our business. This weighting of women employed in these roles results in a lower average female salary across our business and therefore a larger calculated gender pay gap that is not reflective of how team members working in like roles are remunerated.  

Hanes Australasia is committed to ensuring equitable pay for like roles, regardless of gender. Over the past year we have undertaken a review of all salaried roles across our business to ensure fair and consistent remuneration across like roles. This review found some limited instances of inconsistent remuneration which have now been resolved. We continue to regularly monitor role remuneration against like roles, and where inconsistencies are identified, take action to adjust remuneration accordingly.