
Over 90 years ago, Berlei made a commitment to develop innovative bras and briefs that enhance, shape and transform women - helping them to look and feel their best every day.


Berlei fitter

Our current collection of stylish intimates is true to this DNA.  Each product is still carefully designed and engineered to offer superior support and fit for real women.

Berlei is the Australian market leader in sports bras and works to educate women about the importance of wearing an appropriately fitting sports bra and the damage that could affect their breasts when exercising without appropriate support.

Berlei is particualry committed to educating women from a young age on the importance of wearing a sports bra and have released a Youth Sports bra designed especially for this market to start young women looking after their breasts during exercise from a young age.

To this day, Berlei are still the only sports bras tested and endorsed by the Australian Institute of Sport.

